Kubify Github: https://github.com/homer6/kubify
Kubepp Github (modern c++ kubernetes client): https://github.com/homer6/kubepp
DevOps Resources
- Artifact Hub - The Official Helm Chart Repository - Find, install, and publish Kubernetes packages
- The CNCF Landscape
- Deploy helm charts with Pulumi
- helmfile
- The Terraform Registry
- The Pulumi Registry
- Pulumi Examples
- ArgoCD
- Tekton
- Tekton Hub
- Jenkins X
- Cloud Native Buildpacks
- packagecloud
- Cloudflare
- Crossplane
- BlinkOps
- Steampipe
DevSecOps Resources
- Kali
- nmap
- LeakSignal - Micro Firewall for Microservices (MeshSecOps) - Dataplane Protection
- CIS Benchmarks
- Cobalt Strike
- Metasploit
- Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool
- CAS Benchmark Survey
- OWASP Risk Rating Methodology
- Enumerations – CPE, CVE, CCE
- Nessus
- dnsdumpster
- shodan
- recon-ng
Compliance Resources
DevOps Books and Videos
DevSecOps Books and Videos
YouTubers (DevOps)
YouTubers (DevSecOps)
Observability Tools
- https://www.instana.com/
- https://sysdig.com/
- https://www.loggly.com/
- https://grafana.com/
- Atlas time series datastore
- Istio Observability
- Pixie
- Cilium and Hubble